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[[underline]] Advertising Club [[/underline]] who delivered an excellent address. witty and philosophical and a cure for calamity howlers and pessimists. Then [[underline]] jumped in midnight train [[/underline]] which brought me to [[underline]] Cincinnati [[/underline]] next morning about 7:00 AM
Nov 7. [[underline]] Dr. Springer [[/underline]] and Dr. Bosart were at the station with a motor car and drove us to Gibson Hotel. Excellent hotel. Good rooms and good service. Restful morning
Afternoon [[underline]] Springer [[/underline]] came to talk and took supper with me then drove me to [[underline]] University. [[/underline]] My address was better than on preceding occasions. Was very well received.
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There were only about [[underline]] 120 [[/underline]] present but an excellent audience. Told them the story of my first [[underline]] silver watch and chain and [[/underline]] silver nitrate without mentioning that I was the boy of the story.
Excellent rest over night in hotel.
Nov. 8. Left 9:00 A.M. and arrived about 12 M at [[underline]] Indianapolis. [[/underline]]  Several chemists there to escort me to Lincoln Hotel where I had informal lunch with eight of them. 
[[left margin]] Dr. Krause of Lilly & Co [[/left margin]]  Rested afternoon. Then informal dinner of Section.
[[underline]] Mory [[/underline]] wires that thus far he got 310 subscribers of which 50% gave more than one Dollar making 1600$