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Pretty walk of about 2 miles along well built avenue. Interesting conversation 
Carlton, secretary of the Section here is a great Canoe man
Evening informal dinner at [[underline]] City Club, about 120 present. [[/underline]]
Mathews presiding. Met several old acquaintances Everything came off very well felt well rested and my speech was well received. Gave special emphasis on new [[underline]] Division on Chemical Education [[/underline]] and its Journal because there were several high school teachers present. A very pleasant evening for me Jumped in train at 10:30 P.M. for [[underline]] Columbia Mo. [[/underline]]
Drawing room. Got there at 4:30 AM but side tracked
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near quiet station and could stay in until after 7 P.M.
Nov 11. [[underline]] Dr. Hooker, [[/underline]] Chairman of the Section and [[underline]] Dr. Ravenel [[/underline]] biologist, were waiting for me and drove me to the local Hotel - Daniel Boone Tavern, simple but pleasant room with bath. Columbia City makes excellent impression. Clean trim, looks prosperous none of those factories and their chimneys and scrawny industrial appearances.
At 10 [[underline]] Dr. Schlundt [[/underline]] and Dr. Hooker came to drive me around. University buildings well kept, look prosperous and modern. [[underline]] Men and women students make an excellent impression. [[/underline]]  None of the usual Southern easy going ways.  Stores well kept