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Everything trim and "spick and span". Excellent library, well planned, well housed, well provided, well conducted and well frequented. - [[underline]] What a difference with Paris, Berlin, Granada and European [[/underline]] libraries in pretentious European cities. A prosperous, healthy community. As in all other places local paper publish my portrait and short biography. At lunch was guest of Kiwanis Club commemoration of Armistice Day. Was asked to speak. Made a very short address. Everywhere, clean, healthy [[underline]] constructive [[/underline]] spirit.
This country has amazing hidden powers of strength
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compared to European conditions. [[strikethrough]] Nov. 11. [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Lecture Evening [[/underline]] at Chemical Auditorium. Exclusively. Teachers and students. Changed my subject accordingly. Such an audience gives more the impression of a class room and lacks the more mature touch of a mixed audience where industrial chemists are present. 
Nov. 12. Left early in morning in a little local train. Had to change and wait at a rather ramshackle place called Centralia for express which was to take us [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] at about noon to [[underline]] Kansas City. [[/underline]] 
C.F. Gustavson [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] Chairman of the Section and Borada Secretary were at the station. This new Kansas City Station is conceived on an unexpectedly large and modern scale