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where [[underline]] all the Chemists and Engineers of Chicago branch of Bakelite were assembled also Karpen and his older [[/underline]] brother. The latter does not begin to compare to his brother and is rather a contrast to him. Nothing of the keen broadmindedness and alertness of our [[underline]] Karpen. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] Addressed our men [[/underline]] on the condition of our company its problems and future. also necessity of being direct and not divulge their work to others who want to jump into the same field by fan or other means. 
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Explained to Schrimpe and Karpen and Wyeth why we must keep quiet about [[underline]] C25. [[/underline]] [[/vertical annotation]] 
Very well received. Afterwards Karpen drove me to see a large
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factory of a Bag Company which is in financial trouble and the [[underline]] building is for sale. [[/underline]] It is situated within the City limits on one of the boulevards. [[underline]] He and particularly his lawyer seems [[/underline]] favorably impressed. [[underline]] I am not. [[/underline]] - It is undoubdetly a well built factory but it is situated near a public park where we surely [[strikethrough]] will have [[/strikethrough]] would have objections as to any chemical smells which might escape. Further more it is much too large for our purposes.
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Agreed with Karpen that we can sell [[underline]] C21 [[/underline]] to Autopaint - as well as Embed Art but to nobody else [[/vertical annotation]]
Left at 10:30 P.M with [[underline]] Suey for Madison.[[/underline]]
Nov. 16 (Sunday) Arrive [[underline]] Madison Wisconsin [[/underline]] at 7:00 AM
Frost and light snow. Prof [[underline]] Krauskopf [[/underline]] Chairman