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of the Section there, took us to Madison Club nearby. Club well situated but all rooms occupied on account of yesterdays football match. Got a room later on. Heard [[underline]] La Folette [[/underline]] has been [[underline]] expelled [[/underline]] from the Club during the war.
Wrote urgent letter to [[underline]] Hays [[/underline]] about that wooden ship behind our Perth Amboy factory and which I have asked [[underline]] Rossi [[/underline]] in vain for more than a year to have removed as a [[underline]] threatening [[/underline]] fire-risk.
Took walk around [[underline]] capital. [[/underline]] Seems [[underline]] clean [[/underline]] and [[underline]] prosperous [[/underline]] town.  It is rather cold and crisp since yesterday. Professor [[underline]] Mathews [[/underline]] who is very enthusiastic about colloid research
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came to see me and we talked till 10 P.M
November 17. Prof [[underline]] Krauskopt [[/underline]] came with his car at 8 A.M It snows. Visited various laboratories of chemistry. [[underline]] Lenher [[/underline]] shows me his work on [[underline]] selenium [[/underline]] and [[underline]] tellurium [[/underline]] Busy bee-hive all their laboratories.  Large number of students. Then drove to [[underline]] Wood products Laboratory [[/underline]] very busy place. Then [[underline]] Lenher [[/underline]] took me to [[underline]] Kawannis [[/underline]] lunch. a crowded, smoky affair, [[underline]] fearful jazz [[/underline]] music
ran away under pretext of not feeling well on account of heavy tobacco smoke atmosphere. How can people stand such awful jazz which they call "music"
Rested then evening an