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informal supper at Club by chemical staff. Was placed between [[underline]] Kahlenberg [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Fischer, [[/underline]] and talked boats and cruising ^[[with]] [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] them.  [[underline]] Kahlenberg [[/underline]] formerly had a schooner.
My lecture was in chemical amphitheater. Very well attended almost exclusively [[underline]] students and teachers. [[/underline]] Got along well and was very well received. Then drove to [[strikethrough]] train a [[/strikethrough]] sleeping car which left at 4:00 A.M.
Nov 18. Arrived [[underline]] Chicago 8:30 AM [[/underline]]  Lunch in station. Then [[strikethrough]] took [[/strikethrough]] in a good observation car. till 2 P.M. at some wayside station, whence to [[underline]] Urbana [[/underline]] by local trolley car. New hotel, small but good.  Rested for an
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hour then [[underline]] W.A. Noyes [[/underline]] drove me around all University buildings. an imposing group scattered on University lands The "land grant act" of 1863 was one of the best things ever happened for [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] education in U.S.
Farming community, no factories.  [[underline]] Everybody seems prosperous, [[/underline]] houses well built [[underline]] Noyes [[/underline]] who is several years older than I am, took me to his house to meet [[underline]] his young [[/underline]] wife; she is the [[underline]] 3rd her predecessors [[/underline]] have all died. Poor girl has her hands full with two young children, the youngest of which is just about able to stand.
Then informal dinner at University - faculty club.