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Informal lunch in handsome [[underline]] faculty club [[/underline]] in recently [[strikethrough]] Ad [[/strikethrough]] built administration building. Everything gives [[underline]] excellent impression of keen activity [[/underline]] and men happy and interested in their work.
Short rest before informal [[underline]] dinner [[/underline]] at [[underline]] Faculty club all members of staff and officers [[/underline]] of local Section present. Then at [[underline]] 7:30 P.M. my lecture in main chemical auditorium. [[/underline]] Every seat filled. Over 300 present Introduction etc. took about 30 minutes. My talk about one hour. All thru at 9:00 AM. Very attentive audience - very appreciative. Back to hotel had to wait till 12:30 for train at station which was one hour late.  Sleepy feeling
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Nov. 21. Train arrived 1 1/2 hours late in [[underline]] Pittsburgh [[/underline]] at 9:30. Went to Shenley hotel.  [[underline]] Silverman [[/underline]] had been at station but missed me on account of belated arrival Early lunch then rest. Then visit to [[underline]] Carnegie Museum [[/underline]] near by and library. All very impressive and very well kept. Most visitors are school children.
Evening an informal dinner at [[underline]] Bureau of Mines. [[/underline]] Director = [[underline]] Fieldner. [[/underline]] Then lecture in same building Mostly technical men, few young members. Address very well received. I was under impression that I finished at 9 P.M. when it was 10. my watch had stopped.
Saturday Nov. 22. Well rested went to visit Chemical Laboratory of University under guidance of [[underline]] Prof. Silverman. [[/underline]] Very