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busy place. Many small rooms. All very crowded and kept working all day for succeeding shifts. - Yet much good work done and everyone [[underline]] seems happy and interested [[/underline]] in his work. [[underline]] Silverman [[/underline]] has [[underline]] specialized [[/underline]] on [[underline]] glass [[/underline]] and decorative effects. Has an interesting collection crowded as everything else in minimum of space. An [[underline]] excellent example [[/underline]] of [[underline]] men who work well in crowded quarters [[/underline]] and yet do not complain
Afterwards went to [[underline]] Mellon Institute. [[/underline]]  Again a very busy place and good men there. We have 2 reward fellowships there. [[underline]] Hammon [[/underline]] who is secretary took me along.
Foregger is friend of [[underline]] Shuey [[/underline]] who knows everybody here and worked here after leaving Kansas. All the Kansas
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men who started with [[underline]] Duncan [[/underline]] have [[?]] admiration for him and his work; even if they know his shortcomings and limitations Had a private talk with Dr. Carvee and explained him the [[underline]] Bakelite and R & H situation and [[/underline]] why we are delayed in jumping in [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] practical until interferences are settled. Told to [[underline]] Hamon [[/underline]] I should like him to touch the attention of [[underline]] Weedleim [[/underline]] or others to confer an [[underline]] honorary degree on Redman. [[/underline]] Then lunch of 7 or 8 at new [[underline]] Faculty Club. [[/underline]] A very enjoyable lunch where matters of common interest were discussed. and which was organised by [[underline]] Silverman [[/underline]] Afterwards went with Handy (or Hardy) and McLelland to visit the technical library of [[underline]] Carnegie Library. [[/underline]] McLelland