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Oct 25.  Left 10.40 A.M.  Peckham drives me in his car.  Light snow and cold.  Arrive [[underline]] Buffalo [[\underline]] 12.40:  Then [[underline]] Handy [[\underline]] and [[underline]] two young Germans [[\underline]] took me to the splendid [[underline]] Sadtler hotel. [[\underline]]  New and well managed.  Excellent music.  Good room till tonight.  
Light snow storm.  Before lecture an informal supper - [[underline]] Many Niagara men here, [[\underline]] mostly [[underline]] of R & H also Hooker. [[\underline]]  A rather boresome affair on account of absurdity of hiring a professional piano player to "entertain" us during the dinner.  Mere banging and noise.  Lecture at the [[underline]] University [[\underline]] about [[underline]] 300 present. [[\underline]]  Very [[underline]] attentive [[\underline]] audience.  Then at 10 P.M rushed off to my night train.  
Enfin - [[underline]] it's all over and I feel happy for it and for the interest it has evoked in me. [[\underline]]  I can now go back

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for a few days to my usual work and then with the 3 last lectures in Rochester Schenectady and Syracuse finish this job.  I secured a drawing room so as to rest well for a hard days work in New York.  Total cost $45.00

Nov 25.  Back at office.  Feel well and fresh.  A full days uninterrupted work.  Home with 5.33 P.M.  Everybody well.  Good night's rest.

Nov. 27 (Thanksgiving)  All day much at work reading and writing.  [[underline]] Little Dicky has grown considerably [[\underline]] and [[underline]] looks strong, healthy [[\underline]] and [[underline]] cheerful. [[\underline]]  Very different from that emaciated child she was after returning from France and Tunis.
George [[underline]] Roll, Nina, George B. [[\underline]] and [[underline]] Cornelia [[\underline]] all here for Thanksgiving dinner