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and supper.  Tried our excellent sparkling wine made since beginning of October

Nov. 28.  Early at office.  [[underline]] Karpen [[\underline]] there, also [[underline]] Rossi, Redman [[\underline]] et all for advertising Committee.  At end of day [[underline]] Karpen [[\underline]] and Schleussner came to visit me together [[underline]] urging renewal of salaries as of last year. [[\underline]]  Told them same arguments as last year, and advised to have matter discussed openly before all the directors before submitting it for a vote.

Nov 29.  Early at office [[underline]] Karpen [[\underline]] there.  In a discussion of the trouble we have experienced with [[underline]] Rossi [[\underline]] in not acting [[strikeout]]upon [[/strikeout]] or deciding [[strikeout]] [[?]] [[/strikeout]]upon several

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important matters entrusted to him as head of manufacturing operations, [[underline]] Karpen [[\underline]] makes the unexpected and absolutely paradoxal suggestion of [[underline]] making Rossi General Manager! [[\underline]]  The trouble with Rossi has been that he wants to do everything himself and has not yet learned the art of distributing his work to others and to expedite work connected with his responsibilities.  He was excellent as long as his scope of action was confined to the rather limited sphere of the former General Bakelite Company.  [[underline]] Even there he did not have an understudy [[\underline]] and when he trained a man to help him, he took Major who is totally unprepared to rise beyond a certain level.  I suspect that [[underline]] Karpen [[\underline]] unexpected