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and paradoxal suggestion is a symptom that he has [[underline]] nourished the idea either alone or in conjunction with Schleussner of thus gaining Rossi's approval for the [[strikethrough]] la [[/strikethrough]] salary of $30000 which [[/underline]] Karpen [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] gets and wants again as well as [[underline]] Schleussner. [[/underline]]  [[strikethrough]] I wonder [[/strikethrough]] The [[underline]] latter told me he would win over Townsend on that subject. [[/underline]] Karpen [[/underline]] said: [[underline]] "I will talk to Rossi." [[/underline]]  Is there any connection in the visit of Rossi and Redman tomorrow to Chicago?
[[underline]] Karpen [[/underline]] must [[underline]] also have talked to Sanford Brown [[/underline]] on the subject of there salaries because he told me in presence of [[underline]] Schleussner: "Sandford Brown [[/underline]] knows about the salaries and instead of objecting he [[underline]] says [[/underline]]
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[[underline]] that it is not enough." [[/underline]]
I [[underline]] wonder [[/underline]] what Karpen and [[underline]] Schleussner [[/underline]] will propose [[underline]] to win over Sanford Brown. [[/underline]]
Nov 30 1924 (Sunday)  Poor sleep.  Headache and do not feel well.  This morning had a long [[underline]] conversation [[/underline]] with [[underline]] George Baekeland as to my plans [[/underline]] about the discussion and provisions for the so called [[underline]] "salaries" or fees for Schleussner Karpen and myself.  George Baekeland [[/underline]] with his [[underline]] keen intelligence [[/underline]] is quick to grasp my ideas.  I showed him that my so called "salary" was no compensation at all but corresponds simply to less than I would be entitled to if we declared a 5% extra dividend and made the non active or sleeping stockholders of the type of [[underline]] Kirk Brown [[underline]] pay