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way of recording data.
Jan 5.  Visited again Boat show.  All day at office.
Jan 6  All day at office. - Sore throat and cold in the head  Bought large valise.
Jan 7.  [[underline]] Brooksies tonsils [[\underline]] taken out at Yonkers Hospital.  All day at office.  All morning consultation with [[underline]] Hayes [[\underline]] about corporation matters.  Then came [[underline]] Dr. Wagner [[\underline]] to talk about Trash Fund.  To [[underline]] University Club [[\underline]] for supper then [[underline]] with George B to train to Washington - hearing of [[\underline]] Crampton Bill.
Jan 8.  Breakfast [[underline]] Cosmos Club then to Capitol. [[\underline]]  Hearing of Judiciary Committee presided by Senator Sterling.  Ardent prohibitionist, looks like an inquisitor and by his questions

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suavely worded shows however his partiality.  [[underline]] Herty [[\underline]] made the best address.  Also [[underline]] McGovern [[\underline]] attorney for [[underline]] Industrial Alcohol Company. [[\underline]]  I dwelt on uses of [[underline]] alcohol as a chemical [[\underline]] and its uses for bakelite.  Left samples of bakelite articles.  Away with 1.10 train P.M.  Arrive New York 6.20.  Dinner of [[underline]] Cruising Club of  [[\underline]] America.  Judge Wells and George B. my guests.  Discussion about Yacht Leif Erikson and [[underline]] Nutting [[\underline]] & [[underline]] Hellebrandt. [[\underline]]  Most believe we shall hear of them by next summer and that they are wintering along the coast with Eskimos.  Dick drove me home at 11 P.M.
January 9.  Home all day.  Evening went to dinner at [[underline]] University Club [[\underline]] to confer with Davis, Assistant Secretary of the Army, General Tries, Major Willet, Pope