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Feb 2. 1925.
Arrive Chicago with Century Limited ahead of time. Mild weather less snow than East. There was much snow in Syracuse and upper New York.
Drove to office of Bakelite Corporation with [[underline]] George Baekeland [[/underline]]; Redman there. With him, Karpen, George B, Bract and Wyeth all day conference on funding problems. [[underline]] Rossi [[/underline]] should have been there but did not arrive. Urged understudies for [[underline]] Rossi [[/underline]] and for [[underline]] Shannon [[/underline]]. The latter should be a Chicago man ^[[well]] acquainted with Chicago technique in transparent goods. Drove with George to Drake Hotel and I left on 8:10 train Overland Limited
Feb 3. Bright and sunny. mild weather. Not much