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Left at 4:00 P.M. Channel to Harbor straight and well buoyed. Beautiful weather. Temperature in cabin 80°
Feb 14. Same temperature same beautiful weather
Name of my cabin boy is [[underline]] Ah -  [[strikethrough]] Thin [[/strikethrough]] Ching
[[strikethrough]] Feb. 15. [[/strikethrough]] This evening there is a [[underline]] "Hard times dinner party". [[/underline]] Passengers put on old clothes or hired overalls, and try to look as stevedores, roughs etc. Table cloths are blue paper napkins, The Chinese waiters are in their cheapest clothes, each table is lighted by a candle; there is saw dust on the floor and the menu is written on misspelled announcements tacked on the wall. Only one plate with an enormous beef-
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steak. Then dancing, one or two of the passengers a couple of Yokohama and 2 women from Heaven [[strikethrough]] no were [[/strikethrough]] knows from where, [[underline]] tried to look more common than they were naturally but did not succeed. [[/underline]] Nevertheless everything went off well and there was dancing till late. Beautiful bright starlit sky. I saw "Ursa Major" and the Polar Star in exceptional brightness, and opposite the Southern Cross, with "Orion" as a brilliant transition
Feb 15. (Sunday) Nice and warm but more windy. Afternoon rain.
Feb. 16. Sunny and still mild. More deck games. Potato races. Spar pillow fight "Cracker eating". Put the eye in the pig's head. Peanut race