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the most difficult. He is a very flat-faced, 
^[[much]] brown skinned medium sized, and all in all a very pleasant man 
his Japanese card bears [[underline]] Koshaku Oh yama Kashiwa. (Prince) [[/underline]]
All the [[underline]] Japanese [[/underline]] on board are very pleasant, cheerful men
Feb. 20. More deck games. Same moderate headwinds. Slightly cooler, making more 
There is a [[underline]] young Japanese [[/underline]] of very pleasant manners who [[underline]] speaks French [[/underline]]  and is a Lieutenant in the Navy and Attaché [[strikethrough]] tout [[/strikethrough]] to the [[underline]] Japanese Ambassy in Paris. [[/underline]] His name is [[underline]] Yoshitane Kiutchi. [[/underline]] He learned his French in Paris.
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[[underline]] Cinema show every other [[/underline]] evening.
Feb 21. Still pleasant weather but temp in cab is now around 70°
This is the winter-route which keeps decidedly below lat. 30°
To morrow we shall make a Northerly slant.
Evening [[underline]] gala dinner in honor of passengers leaving at Yokohama [[/underline]]
Feb 22 (Sunday) Slightly cooler
Temp in cabin, 68°F but still pleasant and bright. Had to put o my winter undershirt but still wearing light suit. Wrote letter to Celine. 
Washington's Birthday: Little ^[[paper]] hatchets distributed at dinner
[[underline]] Feb 23. [[/underline]] Up early. Bright snappy weather. Cold. [[underline]] Fushiyama [[underline]] snow covered and glistening with snow