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covered mountain range near by. [[underline]] Shore shows snowy patches, [[/underline]] some of them exactly square and the contour of cultivated fields. Winter underwear and overcoat needed. Water very calm. I cannot recognize any of the old landmarks. [[underline]] Place looks totally different from 1914. [[/underline]] Multitude of small temporary structures. [[strikethrough]] Then [[/strikethrough]] New breakwater, new lighthouse new wharves all under construction and substantially built of most modern design. Steamers instead of anchoring in the bay as in 1914 now come along the wharves. [[underline]] Shiohara and Taguchi, [[/underline]] waiting in the snow and waving hands to me. Have been there probably since early. It [[underline]] snowed [[/underline]]
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[[underline]] much yesterday. [[/underline]] To day thaws so there is sleet and thick mud. Took train to [[underline]] Tokyo. This city has entirely changed. [[/underline]] Streets torn up and everybody wading thru brown liquid mud, which plashes on everything and on everybody. Jinricksa-men in socks and sandals [[strikethrough]] plash [[/strikethrough]] running cheerfully thru brown liquid mud; motor car splashed with mud over windows and everywhere. Many [[underline]] imposing new steel-concrete buildings [[/underline]] have arisen, all well built and of several stories just as the best American buildings. Our [[underline]] steamer leaves at 3 P.M. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Th [[/strikethrough]] insufficient time for conference with [[underline]] Shiohara [[/underline]] and visit. So [[strikethrough]] went [[/strikethrough]] drove to station to engage berth to [[underline]] Kobe [[/underline]] for to nights train and there