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penetrating. I have my winter underwear and winter clothes and a woolen [[strikethrough]] woo [[/strikethrough]] knit extra waist coat under my light overcoat. A heavy winter coat would be more comfortable.
[[underline]] Sankyo Building [[/underline]] is an imposing fireproof concrete steel building, very new. Has Otis [[underline]] Elevators [[/underline]] and would make a good impression in any American City. One would never imagine to be in [[strikethrough]] Ja [[/strikethrough]] Tokyo, except for Japanese Inscriptions along prominent [[strikethrough]] American [[/strikethrough]] English printed signs and posters. Decidedly [[underline]] more American looking equipment [[/underline]] than English. [[strikethrough]] Mat [[/strikethrough]] All [[underline]] women in office wear kimonos. [[/underline]] Men wear Western Clothes. Everywhere most modern office equipment, American made.
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Excellent restaurant, for business men in the building. Exquisitely prepared Western dishes, well served in clean surroundings and [[underline]] scrupulously clean [[/underline]] and glistening tableware. After lunch [[underline]] Shiohara [[/underline]] took me to a well equipped photographic studio in the building where our group and my separate portrait were made. What is most striking is [[underline]] the energy and cheerfulness with which the Japanese have promptly put themselves [[/underline]] to the immense task of rebuilding their destroyed city. [[underline]] No whining or wailing.- [[/underline]] a determination to accept things as they are and [[underline]] with a smile [[/underline]] rebuild a better city. In the mean time everywhere

Transcription Notes:
Matasaku Shiohara founded the Sankyo Company.