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He [[underline]] proposes either a company in which we are jointly interested, or a royalty of 5% [[/underline]] on all sales, or a payment of stock in Sankyo [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] Co. so that we become stockholders in the latter. the stock now is [[underline]] worth 120. [[/underline]]
Drove to factory where [[underline]] bakelite [[/underline]] is made. One story [[underline]] frame buildings, light wooden construction (for Earthquakes) cement floors. Good equipment. Good engineering. [[/underline]] Set of presses, large and small. Very large press (all hydraulic) for [[underline]] laminated goods, [[/underline]] erected but never used thus far. [[underline]] Engineering and chemical staff intelligent [[/underline]] 
Molding from imported [[underline]] #420 good. [[/underline]] Molds and dies good. [[underline]] Workmen [[/underline]] make
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[[underline]] good impression. [[/underline]] Whole plant well [[underline]] conceived. [[/underline]] Have made 2 small experimental tilting kettles & stills [[underline]] for varnish, are still experimenting. [[/underline]]
[[strikethrough]] Transpare [[/strikethrough]]
They mould bakelite parts for Jap. Govt.
^[[Government]] and Jap. Navy. Among the latter some solid steering wheel handles for Jap. Navy Equipment, well molded.
[[strikethrough]] Make [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Transparent [[/underline]] large plates about ½" thick by about 20"x 14"
Also ditto rods ½" and ¾". Also 3", and rings, many colors, [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] mostly for [[underline]] China "Genuine Chinese Amber"! [[/underline]] same as was sold me as such in Egypt! [[strikethrough]] They [[/strikethrough]]
Transparent discs about ⅛ or 3/16 thick about 6" or 7" diameter used for [[underline]] Navy for dial plates (Gauges or Gyro?) [[/underline]] instead