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large industrial establishments I see [[underline]] every instance of conservation in old ways [[/underline]] and of cheapness of labor. Men digging gravel carry it in baskets same as the Arabs in Egypt.
In other case gravel is carried on 2 wooden platters hanging on bamboo pole balanced on shoulders, Chinese fashion Further on where a ditch is being dug a [[underline]] coolie works a pump by treading paddles [[/underline]] which rotate a contrivance for pumping [[underline]] similar to the cheap labor devices of Egypt. [[/underline]] 
Arrived [[underline]] Kobe [[/underline]] at 9:00 AM drove to [[underline]] Oriental Hotel [[/underline]] in motor Car. Jinricksas too cold [[strikethrough]] Oriental [[/strikethrough]] Streets cement or asphalt. No snow here but bitter cold wind. [[underline]] Hotel [[/underline]]
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[[underline]] excellent and entirely modern [[/underline]] Clean and not expensive Excellent service - excellent cooking. [[underline]] Feel so cold [[/underline]] that I am [[underline]] hugging the steam radiators. [[/underline]]
Send cable to [[underline]] Bakelite [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[in New York]] acquainting them with result of my visit in Tokyo and conclusions also one securing room Sanghai Hotel. paid yen 18.35
[[underline]] SS. Pres. Taft [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] instead of [[/strikethrough]] several hours late on account of strong wind arrived 6 P.M. at dock. Went aboard [[underline]] with supply of Sake' and Beer bought in Kobe. [[/underline]] Supper with [[underline]] Taguchi [[/underline]] At hotel but went to [[underline]] sleep aboard steamer. [[/underline]] Hour [[strikethrough]] warm [[/strikethrough]] comfortably warm and cheerful is my little stateroom and its hot shower!
[[underline]] Feb 25. [[/underline]] Ship will leave at 10 A.M. Same bitter cold wind [[underline]] Am told Pekin and Sanghai [[/underline]] even colder. Have a sore throat