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[[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]] Cleanly kept ^[[for]] 1st class passengers very pleasant. Cabin passenger deck [[underline]] separated from below [[/underline]] by [[strikethrough]] grat [[/strikethrough]] barred gratings over companion way. Engine room [[underline]] also protected [[/underline]] by strong barred cage. [[strikethrough]] Sh [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Sikhs [[/underline]] with Enfield repeating rifles and filled cartridge belt on guard, before each barred door also, behind steel plates provided with muzzle holes. All this as precaution against [[underline]] pirates. [[/underline]]
[[left margin]] pirates [[/left margin]] A short time ago this steamer was attacked by Chinese pirates; passengers robbed and some killed and wounded. This whole neighborhood is infested with [[underline]] pirates. Captain and crew [[/underline]] of steamer [[underline]] carry ^[[belt &]] revolvers. [[/underline]] The [[underline]] junks and other boats [[/underline]] carry large [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] muzzle [[/strikethrough]] antique looking cast-iron [[underline]] muzzle-loading cannon [[/underline]] others have [[underline]] steel plates along gunwale as a protection against bullets. [[/underline]] Last December the 
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[[underline]] Motor-launch of Christian College in Canton was taken by pirates [[/underline]] on the river, towed by them and looted as well as passengers.  
Beautiful trip between numerous hilly Islands, and Junks and fishing sampans everywhere, on a background of blue green sea.
Mr. L.A. Scotchmer; [[strikethrough]] Chief [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Manager]] of office of Texas Company in Canton ^[[(Shameen)]], and Mr ^[[D.S.]] Scott, Manager of their office in Hong Kong are the ^[[only]] 2 other 1st class passengers. [[underline]] Scott [[/underline]] was formerly with [[underline]] Curtis [[/underline]] Airplane Co and was one of the early fliers, was a friend of [[underline]] Lawrence Sperry [[/underline]] and conducted some of the [[underline]] Sperry [[/underline]] experiments with the automatic directed bomb-carrying airplanes. [[underline]] Both have lived in China for several years. Scott [[/underline]] is a Canadian and was of [[underline]] British Naval reserves. [[/underline]]  
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Scott is a British Columbia man, of McGill University, served as Royal Naval Volunteer on Sub-chasers. [[/vertical annotation]]
Full of information very interesting