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and a gaily decorated [[strikethrough]] and electrical [[/strikethrough]] palanquin with electric [[strikethrough]] lamps [[/strikethrough]] miniature lamps and "king-Fisher"-bird feather ornamentation; and fire-crackers denoted either a wedding or a funeral. - Both are celebrated in about same way. We entered the ^[[narrow]] street, and joined the onlookers. We found it was a wedding and they were waiting for the ^[[Chinese]] bride, to come out. In the meantime a chinese band of drums, tymbals, flutes and clarinets, now and then struck up its shrill, noisy falsetto; interspersed with more [[underline]] firecrackers [[/underline]] so as to [[underline]] drive away all evil spirit [[/underline]] and thus purify the house and surroundings and the palanquin in which the bride was to step. The Chinese were all dressed in their long slit gown; [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] some gray, some blue, and
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a small dark colored plain [[strikethrough]] sh [[/strikethrough]] tunic or [[strikethrough]] coat [[/strikethrough]] short coat, some wore little stiff black skull caps others, plain felt hats, American type. There was much talking jabbering, laughing among them; men, women and children all seemed to have a very good time of it. The Bridegroom, a youth of about 18 years old, according to custom, had to drink a glass with every one of the guests and this had made him so drunk that he was so limp and far-gone that two of his friends had to drag him back and forward from [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] his house to that of the bride or across the 8 feet wide street supporting him by holding his arms over the shoulders of 2 men. The bride did not show up at 11 P.M. - Someone said [[underline]] she wanted some opium; [[/underline]] - perhaps she dreaded to meet her husband