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[[strikethrough]] Scott and [[/strikethrough]] We had been invited in the house and treated as distinguished guests. by the family and according to etiquette had to present our cards. after which they exchanged cards, giving us some soiled business cards, indicating Name = Chin - Lung Lee, or something like that followed by: "First class Carpenter and Contractor". I felt tired [[strikethrough]] and wanted [[/strikethrough]] of waiting and wanted some sleep, but [[underline]] Scott told me somebody had to stay [[/underline]] so as not to make a [[underline]] breach of good manners. [[/underline]] So I excused myself and got a Ricksaw-man to drive me to the hotel; but he evidently misunderstood me and drove me heaven knows where, along ill smelling dark places and I could not make him understand I wanted the hotel, until finally
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I found a man who knew some pidgin English and who helped me out. Tired out, I arrived near midnight. Big awkward bed, [[strikethrough]] cheel [[/strikethrough]] with mosquito netting, cheerless room
[[underline]] March 7. [[/underline]] Left [[underline]] Macao [[/underline]] at 8 A.M with same steamer. Arrived [[underline]] Hong Kong [[/underline]] about noon. A few other passengers. all [[underline]] Eurasian looking Portugese. [[/underline]] These Macao boats are very clean and well kept as far as 1st class passengers are concerned.
[[underline]] Chinese Boats. Rudder [[/underline]] has [[strikethrough]] dea [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] losenge shaped openings [[/underline]] - Why? van Anden thinks it allows quicker turn and greater strength for same weight They are fastened to a rather heavy wooden pole and hinged in such a way that they can easily be lifted out of the water, either directly by hand or for the heavier ones by means of block and fall attached as indicated in sketch.