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[[underline]] incomparably less than in Spain [[/underline]] or [[underline]] Italy [[/underline]] and specially [[underline]] less than in Egypt. [[/underline]] But what ^[[a]] succession of smells!  And what they eat and live on: Every conceivable kind of dried or salted possible or impossible food. Dried shrimps, dried worms, dried greens, dried ducks, some flattened and varnished, [[underline]] dried and varnished chickens, [[/underline]] they tell me [[underline]] dried rats! [[/underline]] dried snails, dried inkfish, dried skins, blackened chickens, [[underline]] washer intestines, [[/underline]] and what not! Everybody seems to be eating or purchasing some eatables.  They are trotting along holding bare [[strikethrough]] in a [[/strikethrough]] tied in a green bamboo knot, either a [[underline]] little piece of fresh meat, [[/underline]] or a [[underline]] fragment of [[/underline]]
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a fish, a little strip of vegetable, or some bit of liver or any other fragment of their favored delicacies and [[underline]] hop along with it as if they were exhibiting to their neighbors the tit-bits [[/underline]] they were to have for luncheon, and [[underline]] all seem happy and pleased altho' they look [[/underline]] dirty and squalid.  All the [[underline]] carrying [[/underline]] is done [[underline]] on poles, [[/underline]] mostly bamboo, [[strikethrough]] other [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] less frequently teak poles, [[/underline]] slung over their shoulder. In this way they carry everything, [[underline]] from a basket of eggs [[/underline]] to heavy [[strikethrough]] slaps [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] slabs of stone, or a piano [[/underline]] or a chiffoniere or a coffin. Men and women are equally expert at this game and they hop along in short ^[[elastic]] steps [[underline]] timed [[/underline]] to the [[strikethrough]] el swam [[/strkethrough]] short up and down [[underline]] springlike swing of the pole. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] When [[/strikethrough]]