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French and English magazines in the parlor, a few business reference books [[strikethrough]] otherwise [[/strikethrough]] directories for France but [[underline]] no library. Cooking [[/underline]] is rather [[underline]] clumsy [[/underline]] and decidedly not as well prepared nor served as on ordinary American passenger ships. The Chinese keeps his bathrooms clean. Nobody aboard [[underline]] can change [[/underline]] me my [[underline]] Hong Kong money [[/underline]] and they seem to have a hazy idea as to the value of exchange. There is the usual petty quarreling among the waiters and men and women of the crew and long explanations and objections and remarks [[strikethrough]] when an order is given [[/strikethrough]] and meddling when an order is given. And amongst the old moustached waiters there is an attitude of surliness
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which one would not expect amongst Frenchmen. [[underline]] Has Bolshivism made inroads in France?[[/underline]] We left an hour late after much loud talking and exclamation of purser and supercargo and explanations "why and why not".
Am put at a table with a short [[underline]] squatty French official [[/underline]] who wears the ribbon of Legion of honor and his young wife, with straight bobbed hair, who are on visit home from Pekin and a certain Mr. [[underline]] Alligon, [[/underline]] who is inspector of one of the French [[underline]] Insurance companies [[/underline]] and who has travelled much and gives me information about [[underline]] Saigon [[/underline]] Pnom Penh, Bangkok and their hotels etc
[[left margin]] Mr. Pierre Alligon.  Inspecteur de la Compagnie l'Urbaine-Incendie, 8 Rue Pelletier - Paris [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] March 16 [[/underline]] Increasing sultriness. Thermometer in cabin is only 80:F Quiet day writing up notes, letters reading etc. My cold almost gone.