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than the [[underline]] Chinese [[/underline]] and less dirty.
At 2 P.M made flying motor-trip [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] with [[underline]] Blaquieres [[/underline]] thru [[underline]] neighboring country [[/underline]] flat and [[underline]] well cultivated. Excellent roads. What a difference with neighorhood of Canton! [[/underline]]
Rice culture, but everything dry now except in many canals and creeks, this annamite chauffeur is as most of them [[underline]] barefooted [[/underline]] but wears a [[underline]] helmet. [[/underline]] Annamite [[underline]] graves [[/underline]] everywhere, all badly neglected [[strikethrough]] and 2 [[/strikethrough]] cement like low structures. Many house [[strikethrough]] boats on river [[/strkethrough]] boat ^[[&]] sampans on river; some with sail, others simply
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rowed. Same general type.  [[underline]] Hulls [[/underline]] are [[underline]] well shaped [[/underline]] of the [[underline]] double ender type. [[/underline]] Villages have their meeting place where Annamites come together to discuss current matters. Also public open [[underline]] rest houses [[/underline]] simply roof over flat wood floor on which, [[underline]] bed mat [[/underline]] is spread. No walls, everything open, wood supported by posts of hard wood. [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] Also [[underline]] village market simply big roof. [[/underline]]  Fish, vegetables, meat, open air restaurants etc. etc All [[underline]] quiet well behaved. [[/underline]] Road winding thru wooded parts amongst little farms all much [[underline]] better looking than [[/underline]] those I saw near [[underline]] Canton. [[/underline]] Annamites [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]]