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I see now what a [[underline]] variegated lot of steerage passengers we have been carrying. [[/underline]] Representatives of [[underline]] every color [[/underline]] and race. A few dignified [[underline]] notably [[/underline]] of [[underline]] Annamites [[/underline]] in their long slender [[strikethrough]] silk [[/strikethrough]] black light silk overshirts. - [[underline]] Straight-haired wild eyed, Cambodgian [[/underline]] women, barefooted and bare to the knees, the upper legs covered with a sort of [[underline]] improvised knicker bockers [[\underline]] called [[underline]] "framing" [[/underline]] and obtained by [[strikethrough]] tat [[/strikethrough]] winding a square piece of [[underline]] bright cotton [[/underline]] or silk [[underline]] around the waist [[/underline]] then twisting the forepart, passing it between the legs and tyeing it of under the waist band. Their shoulders and [[underline]] arms are bare, [[/underline]] so is their [[underline]] back; [[/underline]] but by means of a strip of fabric their [[underline]] breasts [[/underline]]
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are [[underline]] just hidden. [[/underline]] Most of them have [[underline]] black teeth [[/underline]] and their mouth is [[underline]] bethel- [[/underline]] Orech stained. Their [[underline]] bushy straight black hair, stands up [[/underline]] and is combed back and shoots up way below in the neck. [[underline]] Difficult to distinguish men from women [[/underline]] unless one looks at their bare back or hidden breasts.
There are also several [[underline]] yellow robed bonzes, shaven head shaven eyebrows [[\underline]] makes them look rogueish as if they had escaped from Sing-Sing. Barefooted, bareheaded they [[underline]] carry [[/underline]] however [[underline]] an umbrella. [[/underline]] Also a [[underline]] woven mat, [[/underline]] in a roll, on which they sleep, and a [[underline]] bowl [[/underline]] in which to put [[underline]] rice or other [[/underline]] food which they beg for and which is given to