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so as to keep in step.  Visited the new [[underline]] Museum "Musee d'Arts du Cambodge" [[\underline]] directed by a Frenchman.  Statues and ornaments, stone clay or bronze old and new [[underline]] mostly Budha [[\underline]] and more [[underline]] Budha [[\underline]] or [[underline]] Viznu [[\underline]] and, [[underline]] Shiva [[\underline]] arms etc.  Also [[underline]] Ecole d'Arts [[\underline]] where Cambodgian boys are taught Cambodgian design and artwork.  also some adults mostly same Cambodge types of work and ornaments or personages [[underline]] represented today by the dancing girls of the old King. [[\underline]]  Drive around town Place of Mr. [[underline]] Baudouin, Resident superieur du Cambodge, [[\underline]] representing the French Governement[[sic]].  Next to his private house is [[underline]] his office building [[\underline]] and his [[underline]] white fonctionnaires [[\underline]] together with [[underline]] Annamite [[\underline]]
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and Cambodgians employees.  
Well [[underline]] shaded Avenues [[\underline]] around town, principally along river.  It is hot but [[underline]] dryer [[\underline]] than [[underline]] in Saigon, [[\underline]] and [[underline]] more breeze [[\underline]] after fog has disappeared.  Following days there was no fog and feeling of [[underline]] extreme sultriness did not recur. [[\underline]]  A row of [[underline]] Annamites [[\underline]] with [[underline]] Ricksaws [[\underline]] before hotel.  Only [[underline]] wear very short white cotton trousers, [[\underline]] and [[underline]] conical palm hat, [[\underline]] and are barefooted
[[underline]] Money [[\underline]] same [[underline]] over all Indo-China  1 piastre [[\underline]] = about 55 Am. [[underline]] cents [[\underline]] and divided in 100 cents  Money does not follow fluctuation of French franc which today is very low; 1 franc = 5 Am. Cents.  [[underline]] Phom Penh is said [[\underline]] to have 60000 inhabitants, amongst which [[underline]] few whites [[\underline]] and many Chinese and Annamites