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small "victorias" with small poneys pass occasionally. I wired to Hotel [[underline]] Oriental [[/underline]] in [[underline]] Bangkok [[/underline]] reserving [[underline]] best [[/underline]] room. Also [[underline]] wired to New York [[/underline]] date of my arrival in [[underline]] Bangkok [[/underline]] and to address American Consulate: cost of cable about 1 [[underline]] Dollar [[/underline]] gold [[underline]] a word, [[/underline]] fast rate. To morrow theatre plays Tosca and Saturday: Thais. Prices best seats 2.50 piastres.
In my room 2 or 3 [[underline]] lizzards [[/underline]] calling [[underline]] chick-chick, [[/underline]] crawl over the walls and hunted mosquitoes and flies;  One sees them everywhere and one gets soon accustomed to them. I see few mosquitoes and few flies - an occasional [[underline]] large cockroach, [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] but more frequently [[underline]] ants. [[/underline]] Bright morning, 80°F. Feel very comfortable after shower  
[[left margin]] Slept naked and kept fan blowing all night. [[/left margin]]
Later on temperature in room
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rises to [[underline]] 85°F [[/underline]]
Lunch at the house of Mr [[underline]] Baudoin, [[/underline]] two other guests there, an architect who wears the ribbon of the Legion d'Honeur, and another Frenchman also the officier d'ordornance of the resident with his office braids over his shoulder. 
Otherwise dinner very informal excellent food; well served and interesting animated conversation.
Afternoon motored to [[underline]] Oudong [[/underline]] along the river. Excellent road but long hot drive to see [[underline]] an old barnlike pagoda [[/underline]] situated on a hill with [[underline]] endless steps [[/underline]] which I had to climb in [[underline]] the blazing sun. [[/underline]] In the pagoda [[underline]] nothing [[/underline]] but an [[underline]] enormous [[/underline]] sitting gilded [[underline]] budha, [[/underline]] and [[underline]] the floor tiles covered with the [[/underline]]