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One wonders constantly what the elephant will do next with his ever swinging and inquisitive snout
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Beautiful view over the flat landscape from a ruin on a hill. [[underline]] Pnom Bakeng. [[/underline]] Beautiful sunset
March 28. Pleasant dry weather. At 6:00 AM. 80°F and only 75°F outside my room. Later on 80°F and 85°. Drove to [[underline]] Siem-Reap [[/underline]] (photos) a very picturesque village with market and quite a number of Chinese shops, and a little river winding thru village. [[underline]] Bamboo water-wheels with bamboo dip cups [[/underline]] placed in the river [[strikethrough]] pum [[/strikethrough]] empty the [[underline]] bamboo cups into bamboo pipes [[/underline]] which thus [[underline]] irrigate [[/underline]]
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little [[underline]] rice and vegetable fields. [[/underline]] All very green Bananas, Coconuts, Orech palms, sugar palms etc and here and there little [[underline]] huts of woven palm matting [[/underline]] hidden amongst them - all on stilts. Many [[underline]] naked children. Cambodge women instead of carrying children in a bag [[/underline]] on their back as the Chinese do, simply [[underline]] carry the naked little child on one of their hips [[/underline]] the child sitting upright on the hip and [[underline]] clamping itself against the mother [[/underline]] while the latter walks supporting slightly its back with her hand. The kid here cannot afford to fall asleep as the Chinese child in its bag. [[underline]] Made several photos, [[/underline]] people all willing