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[[underline]] Siem Reap [/underline]] is a rather important village and has a resident and a Bureau des Postes and quite a number of stores Same drove to a less pretentious village hidden in the woods and where there are only [[underline]] native huts [[/underline]] and no other races but Cambodgians. [[underline]] Were greeted by hundreds of naked children and almost naked men and women all jubilant [[/underline]] at the arrival of our motor car. [[underline]] All good natured [[/underline]] and laughing and ready to furnish us Coconuts and glad to receive cigarettes A happy bunch of people of few wants, [[underline]] much happier than most rich men amongst us, greedy races. [[/underline]]
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A [[underline]] lesson in human philosophy. They are all rich because they have no wants beyond what they can easily satisfy. [[/underline]] Their helter skelter huts are shaded below stately palms [[strikethrough]] and bana [[/strikethrough]] trees. Photos will probably be rather dark. When motoring back to the Bungalow the sun in setting made 2 blue rays between the gild-edged clouds. This [[underline]] is the second time I have [[/underline]] observed this [[underline]] blue ray effect [[/underline]] probably the rays of the sun passing thru a blue screened cloud.
March 29 [[underline]] Sunday [[/underline]] A restful day writing post cards to friends.
[[strikethrough]] March 30. [[/strikethrough]] Intended to leave to day early via [[underline]] Sisophon [[/underline]]