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March 31. Went to bank. $100 = 175 piastres Visit p.p.c to Resident superieur. Wired to [[underline]] Bangkok [[/strikethrough]] for hotel also to New York stating arrival in Bangkok Ordered a pair of cotton white trousers at 9AM to a Chinaman, giving old trousers as a pattern. At 4 P.M brought me the new trousers all finished and charged me 4 piastres for everything or about $2.20. American
Met Dr. E. le [[underline]] Cousse Bacteriologist at Pnom Penh. a Breton, [[/underline]] quiet studious and full of information.
[[underline]] April 1. 1925. [[/underline]] Left with car 6:30 [[underline]] A.M [[/underline]] for Kep. Cloudy sky, excellent weather top-off. Passed many
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overloaded omnibuses loaded to top with Cambodgian More large Anthills. Some small settlements, ever present Chinese shopkeepers. Many bullock carts and woven little house on them. Succession of great stretches of Sugar Palms. Excellent road Saw some Cambodgians handling a large fat lizzard about 2 feet long and about 4" think. Am told many snakes, cobras etc. Then after open forest Jungle again Two elephants on the road mounted by Cambodgians frightened by motor car they leave road to hide in the Jungle - 5 Cambodgians and a bonze sit on one of them. [[underline]] Kampot [[/underline]] is quite  [[underline]] a village [[/underline]] near [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a river with an excellent concrete cement cantilever bridge