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over it. Finally we approach mountains instead of ever flat land [[underline]] Alexander Powell describes this road as dangerous and full of bandits. [[/underline]] I believe life and property in [[underline]] Cambodgia are safer than in London, Paris or New York [[/underline]] or many white so called civilized countries. Am told there is [[underline]] robbery by organized bands on farms; but robbers never attack white people. [[/underline]] Approaches to [[underline]] Kep [[/underline]] a very pleasant surprise.
Wooded hills winding road and suddenly the open sea and a sea breeze, Coconut palms pretty bungalow of Resident superieur near shady beach. Arrive at the new [[underline]] Hotel Bungalow [[/underline]]
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[[underline]] Hotel de la Plage [[/underline]] at 11 AM. where Mr. [[underline]] Joly [[/underline]] a Frenchman expected me. We are only 2 boarders. Excellent little room with view on the sea Broad lawn bordered by newly Coconut palms [[underline]] between sea and my room [[/underline]] Shower room and running water attached to my room. [[underline]] Bungalows all separate [[/underline]] buildings one story. Electric light is there but [[underline]] generator does not work [[/underline]] so have to use little oil lamps. But go to bed early. Everything clean, altho' simple. Cuisine excellent. [[underline]] Palm salad. [[/underline]] Mr. [[underline]] Joly [[/underline]] and his [[underline]] pale little wife [[/underline]] from Nice, and [[underline]] one child [[/underline]] who plays [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] with little skink and speaks only Cambodgian or [[underine]] Annamite. [[/underline]] Ice is