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anew next day; renewed the treatment until most of them are gone but [[underline]] when I am washing or shaving I have ants creeping over my legs. [[/underline]] Am getting used to them, Yesterday stood with my bare foot in one of the Ant heaps while shaving. [[underline]] Sugar or fruit should never be left in [[/underline]] the room as they attract rapidly an ant colony. Each bungalow at the hotel has one [[underline]] W.C. for the whole row of rooms. [[/underline]] It is installed in a room about half the size of a sleeping room and has smooth cement tile floors. A sign has been written: [[underline]] "Il est defendu d'uriner [[/underline]]
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sur [[underline]] les Carreaux du W.C." [[/underline]] I found a charming little motor road which follows the shore behind the hill and which joins the main road to Kampot. Evening the [[underline]] Chef the Police [[/underline]] and his [[underline]] wife come for a chat with [[/underline]] Joly and his wife. Phonograph is started. American Jazz and the two pale little women start dancing together till it is time for supper, notwithstanding the hot weather.
April 4. Left 7 A.M for [[underline]] Cap Hatien. [[/underline]] This road brings me over the Cochin-China border amongst Ammanites. The road was good but becomes decidedly better over the boundary. [[underline]] Cap Hatien [[/underline]] is a small port and