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April 6. My cabin is [[strikethrough]] F [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 83°F [[/underlined]] but the wind has shifted and we have more breeze and smell less fish. Stop at another place - [[underlined]] more smelly fish [[/underlined]] put aboard. More stops. A succession of hilly wooded Islands seem all uninhabited. This is the [[underlined]] Gulf of Siam. [[/underlined]] See no ships nor sail boats along our course. At an Island [[underlined]] Kog-Kong professor Manipoud gets off. [[/underlined]] Seems like the end of the world. The [[underlined]] Sampan [[/underlined]] that comes to fetch him and the mail brings the only white fonctionnaire, a [[underlined]] Frenchman of about 50, [[/underlined]] who comes to take his bottle of beer and his [[underlined]] chat with the captain [[/underlined]] He says has plenty of bother with [[underlined]] Caymans, (6 metres) Tigers, Panthers [[/underlined]] but he does not mind them so
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much as [[underlined]] "ces sacres ^[["damned"]] elephants". He gets furious [[/underlined]] when he speaks of the latter and the tricks they play him. [[underlined]] "Faudrait les détruire tous." Kampot is the nearest place he can reach where there is a physician [[/underlined]] and this he has to make by steamer or Sampan. He wanted to send a man to the [[underlined]] Pasteur Institute, [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] but had first to [[/strikethrough]] bitten by a dog but had first to send a written requisition to Kampot. Same old bureaucrats. His job is to build a road from his place to Kampot, thru wood and jungle. He had made a trail and built a fine wooden bridge and corduroyed some swampy parts of the road, but scarcely was the job finished that [[underlined]] wild elephants, [[/underlined]] pulled up the [[underlined]] corduroy road [[/underlined]] and 

Transcription Notes:
"Faudrait les d?ruire tous" means "Should destroy them all"