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English. [[underlined]] acts as my guide [[/underlined]] Little double-poney drawn played out Victoria driven by [[underlined]] Hindustanere: [[/underlined]] So went on a [[strikethrough]] visit to [[/strikethrough]] sightseeing : [[underlined]] Watts Pnoms, Pagodas [[/underlined]] and what [[underlined]] not. Program printed [[/underlined]] and issued by [[underlined]] U.S. Consulate [[/underlined]] for [[underlined]] visiting tourists, [[/underlined]] also a short but interesting printed page giving history and economical and political status of Siam all by [[underlined]] U.S. Consulate [[/underlined]] The Palace and Kings temple not open [[underlined]] except Mondays by request of U.S. consulate. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] To [[/strikethrough]] So shall not see them as my train leaves Sunday for Penang. This is holy week and also New - Year time for Siam. [[underlined]] Banks [[/underlined]] close [[underlined]] Good Friday. [[/underlined]] First Watt. of Sleeping Budha. long Pagoda sleeping figure gilded of Budha
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lying down [[underlined]] (Nirvana) [[/underlined]] about [[underlined]] 150 [[/underlined]] ft. long. Plastered and [[underlined]] gilded. [[/underlined]] plaster falling off in scales. Several other pagodas near by, [[underlined]] same [[/underlined]] gilt gabel ends [[underlined]] as in Pnom [[/underlined]] Penh. rubbish and litter everywhere; numerous stone images of [[underlined]] Korean Lions, [[/underlined]] Chinese, Budhas, [[strikethrough]] Chine [[/strikethrough]] and what are supposed to be Chinese, Japanese, French and English soldiers all grotesque then Guardian spirits, (photos) near the door a pink poster in Siamese advertising [[underlined]] a Cinema show [[/underlined]] or a new drink. - all [[underlined]] squalid [[/underlined]] and unkempt. Some temples being regilded, some Siamese men or women [[underlined]] applying the [[strikethrough]] gilt [[/strikethrough]] . gold [[/underlined]] leaf An old almost naked tatooed bespectacled man