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their neck. (See photos) One Swamee [[strikethrough]] holds [[/strikethrough]] is told to hold a handful of sand in his hand, and after many incantations and flute playing and exclamations to deviate attention, while some snakes are purposely left to crawl around also undoubdetly to distract attention. The tall indian strikes the hand of the [[strikethrough]] Siamese [[/strikethrough]] startled Siamese, thus scattering the sand and adroitly drops [[/strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] a [[underlined]] large hidden snake before him. [[/underlined]] All very cleverly done. (See photos) [[underlined]] Mr. Pomeroy [[/underlined]] of New England is in the tobacco business here and is a nephew of [[underlined]] Cowles Went out buying old silver ticals, [[/underlined]] used for buttons at Chinese pawnshops. Then around town another public [[underlined]] cremation [[/underlined]] being
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arranged for this afternoon at the Pagode on the artificial hill which overlooks the town Met there a young man Fred H. [[underlined]] Jewell who is travelling economically by himself and [[/underlined]] has been in the employ of the [[underlined]] Ad. Department of a Tobacco [[/underlined]] Co. Has travelled all over China; has met [[underlined]] Harry Frank [[/underlined]] repeatedly during the latter travels.. Drove to [[underlined]] Hotel Royal [[/underlined]] which is situated in the newer part of the town near the house of the American Minister. Very quiet situation in a rather sparsely part of the town. Only a few people there. The place seems [[underlined]] quiet but well kept [[/underlined]] but rather removed from business center. About 20 minutes Rickshaw drive