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The many Siamese officials in spotless white duck tunic and a toppie or felt hat and bright blue silk panimgs[[guess]] and [[underlined]] long black stockings [[/underlined]] and black [[/underlined]] low European shoes [[/underlined]] look [[underlined]] characteristic [[/underlined]] for [[underlined]] the Country. [[/underlined]] Am told officials are poorly paid. [[underlined]] King [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] looks much [[underlined]] like a Chinaman [[/underlined]] and has [[underlined]] Chinese ancestry. [[/underlined]] He is half bald-headed and short and stout according to his pictures. He has [[underlined]] married several times [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] but thus far has been [[underlined]] unable to obtain a heir. [[/underlined]] The fault seems to lie with him. According to the published photographs of himself and successive brides, the latter look [[underlined]] supremely homely. [[/underlined]] Evening went to a [[underlined]] Siamese theatre. [[/underlined]] to see a Siamese Play. About
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[[underlined]] 300 Siamese [[/underlined]] made the orchestra squatting on their heels and playing on some kind of xylophones posed before them on the floor on the side of the stage. The [[underlined]] actors [[/underlined]] are all gaily dressed, kings and queens and princes; old time costumes, with gold here and [[strikethrough]] gilt [[/strikethrough]] gilt etc. Daughter complains to her father, her husband loves another woman and father teaches her how to please him etc. [[strikethrough]] Spectator [[/strikethrough]] and all talk in falsetto voice and [[underlined]] woman's part played by a very homely clumsy man [[/underlined]] with white powdered face. Place is pretty well filled with Siamese of the average classes. Small [[underlined]] childes of actors run about barefooted [[/underlined]] and half-clad among seats, or under stage or