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brighter light and green surroundings of surrounding park & water than in Egypt, or Morraco [[underline]] Gardens very pretty [[/underline]] and reminds one of a botanical garden. My [[underline]] Indian guide tells me Sultan of Johore in 1903 married a Music Hall [[/underline]] girl in London which he tried to bring to his palace but British Government refused to let her land. His [[underline]] income [[/underline]] is said to be [[strikethrough]] $100 [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] 100000 £. [[/underline]] This looks [[underline]] rather modest [[/underline]] to me since [[underline]] Bakelite [[/underline]] pays so much better. Large fortunes have been made here in Rubber and Tin and [[underline]] people became [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] extravagant [[/underline]] during good times, that they were taken unaware when the lean
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years came on and [[underline]] many lost quickly what they had made [[/underline]] during the good years. The [[underline]] rubber [[strikethrough]] depression [[/strikethrough]] situation [[/underline]] is again improving somewhat. Roads are perfect and run thru the rubber estates. Met many motor cars, mostly new [[underline]] Fords. [[/underline]] Rubber Estates are very extensive, miles and miles and more miles, cleared from the Jungle along the road [[underline]] Further is dense very dense Jungle, literally unpenetrable [[/underline]] except with axe and knife. Coming back struck a very violent rainstorm. Wired to Bakelite that my new address until May 22d [[underline]] will be c/o American Consul Batavia [[/underline]] and that I shall