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arrive there [[underline]] Monday. [[/underline]] Went to Raffles Hotel. before Dinner. Same [[underline]] eternal Jazz, [[/underline]] same [[underlined]] dancing, [[/underlined]] same as everywhere in every hotel of the same type whole world over and people like it enough to keep on dancing in this very hot weather Cannot understand it! [[strikethrough]] Met [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mr.]] de' Klerk the representative of the official Java Tourist Bureau "White Star" arranged me a program for [[underline]] touring Java [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Bali [[/underline]] by auto which [[underline]] will cost [[/underline]] me $ [[underline]] 1080 [[/underline]] Am. Gold.
[[underline]] April 18. [[/underline]] Went to Bank International Banking Corporation and drew $ [[underline]] 1080 [[/underline]] for de [[strikethrough]] He [[/strikethrough]] Klerk. Since I am studying his program I suspect he is over charging me Hectic morning. visit to 
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American Consulate for [[strikethrough]] instruct [[/strikethrough]] instructions for mail & telegrams Then Police Headquarters for reporting where I go, then [[strikethrough]] Dutch [[/strikethrough]] Consul of Netherlands vise for Java $12.00 American. Then steamer line. [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] for ticket on S [[underline]] S. Van Swoll [[/underline]] that leaves at 2P.M for Batavia, then hotel - my bill there is 93$ Silver [[strikethrough]] Singo [[/strikethrough]] Left for ^[[S.S]] "Van Swoll" by [[underline]] Sampan [[/underline]] at 1P.M. V. Swoll far out near end of Breakwater. Little [[underline]] dutch freighter [[/underline]] about 850 net. and 1250 Brut. making about 11 knots I am the [[underline]] only passenger [[/underline]] besides a [[underline]] dutch official. [[/underline]] All crew except officers are malays. She is mainly a [[underline]] freighter [[/underline]] but after deck is comfortably and cleanly arranged for cabin passengers. Cabins would be all right but for the absurd absurd ^[[absurd]]