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lack of fans. only ventilation being by wind scoops which only work if wind and weather permits it. Everything kept [[underline]] very clean [[/underline]] English built [[underline]] boat 1887. [[/underline]] New castle 96. We are surrounded by [[underline]] Islands [[/underline]] of [[underline]] Straights [[/underline]] everywhere There is a little dutch ship that takes passengers and visits all the dutch Islands and makes the round trip in about one month.
Several big steamers are anchored outside the breakwater. Many steamers fly dutch flag. No Germans in port. This is undoubdetly Dutch territory. Pleasant breeze blowing. [[underline]] Malays [[/underline]] of ship do [[underline]] not understand dutch [[/underline]] nor [[underline]] English. [[/underline]] French boat. ^[[-SS-]] Gaun Gen'l [[Arrow to right margin written vertically]] SS. [[?]] General Paul Beau" [[/Arrow]] Paul Beau x at anchor.
[[Left margin, written vertically]] X of the Affriteurs d' Indo-Chine [[/Left margin, written vertically]]
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Looks small and [[underline]] illkept [[/underline]] and [[underline]] rusty. [[/underline]] Leave at about 2P.M. and go about 8 miles away to a Dutch Island [[underline]] Samboe. [[/underline]] which is a [[underline]] quarantine station, [[/underline]] also several big white [[underlind]] petroleum [[/underline]] tanks where [[strikethrough]] we have to be [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] our cargo of rice [[/underline]] has [[underline]] to be fumigated [[/underline]] which takes 5 hours. Little boat comes along with fumigating device consisting of air pump and sulphur - furnace which pumps SO2 in the hold which has to be closed until arrival at port; so as to [[underline]] kill all the rats [[/underline]] etc [[underline]] While [[/underline]] we [[underline]] are fumigated [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] we [[underline]] have the blazing [[/underline]] sun and my cabin temperature is [[underline]] 90˚F [[/underline]] Several ships, small and big, near by at anchor. One is a [[underline]] junk [[/underline]] the other [[underline]] ketches [[/underline]] with brailed sails. (See photos)