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1000 guilders. Told so to [[underline]] Vander Falk, [[/underline]] who seemed to think I had been charged too high but told me he was simply an employee at 200 guilders a month and could not interfere beyond reporting my complaint. Went with him to the [[underline]] Official Touring Office of the Government [[/underline]] where I met Mr. G. G. [[underline]] Van der Kop [[/underline]] who is the manager and who [[underline]] seemed disgusted [[/underline]] when I told him of the overcharge and said he would report and had [[underline]] had similar complaints [[/underline]] before, even lately about a man from Cook's office
After Siesta drove around the town and its cement shored canals. Everywhere women
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washing clothes in the muddy waters of the canal or washing themselves or their babies Trip to [[underline]] old Batavia [[/underline]] - Old gates. [[underline]] Pran's [[/underline]] of different shapes and sizes and sails in the old little harbor. On one of the walls a [[underline]] whitewashed skull [[/underline]] with an old inscription that this was a traitor (a half-breed Javanese Dutchman) who had tried to start a revolution. Then a large bronze [[underline]] old gun [[/underline]] lying in the grass near the gate and surrounded with paper flowers, [[/underline]] offerings by native women [[/underline]] who come to plant there offerings [[underline]] with [[/underline]] the belief that this will [[underline]] insure them to bear children. [[/underline]] - a shrine [[underline]] for insuring fertility [[/underline]]