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picturesque. reminds me of that painting "Paul & Virginie" in the New York Metropolitan Museum.  Town is pretty and well kept.  Bellevue Hotel has no electric light - [[underline]] acetylene light or home made gas light?  [[/underline]] No flies, very few mosquitoes a few mayflies.  But [[underline]] no necessity of mosquito screens [[/underline]] on doors or windows, all open.  Beds have mosquito curtains and a small hand broom for chasing them before entering also a large cylindrical pillow which I see everywhere and called "a dutch wife" said to be comfortable for keeping ventilation under your legs by thus supporting your
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knees underneath.
April 24. Visit to [[underline]] Botanical Garden. [[/underline]] Very [[underline]] interesting [[/underline]] collection but [[underline]] nowhere benches [[/underlined]] and no vehicles allowed.  Palace of the [[underline]] Chief Gouveneur, [[/underline]] pretty white building adjacent to the Botanical Garden  Woman and children washing and bathing in river that runs along Botanical Garden. [[strikethrough]] Very [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Raffles monument to his wife [[/underline]] in garden created while his was the [[underline]] Gouveneur [[/underline]] under British possession, is impressive by its very simplicity and inscription.  (See guide books).  [[underline]] Cheap [[/underline]] and abundant [[underline]] labor (200) keeps the garden in excellent condition. [[/underline]] Museum closed on account of Native New Year There is a [[underline]] laboratory building [[/underline]]