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in Botanical Garden for plant research and called "Melchior [[underline]] Treub [[/underline]] Laboratory" His bust in marble, of a moustached, gentleman with pince-nez at entrance. Nobody in. a look thru the clean windows gave me the [[underline]] impression that not much work was being done in this laboratory. [[/underline]] Every table bare and everything in place as if never touched.
At 10 AM. left for Bandoeng and arrived there before [[strikethrough]] lun [[/strikethrough]] 1 P.M.
Roads much better, and less dust than yesterday Long ride thru roads which seem to run thru a continuous garden.
[[underline]] Sarongs are brighter and better worn, general color effect better [[/underline]]
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The Dos-a-dos little native poney-carts and their Governess carts have brighter silver, their poneys look better. Their long straight silver coated whips.
[[underline]] Everybody barefooted [[/underline]] except occasionally a women of importance who has her bare feet in [[underline]] loose slipper. Bandueng [[/underline]] a prosperous looking new town. good looking white bungalows, well kept substantial white-washed; cement or brink buildings. Houses and bungalows very tastefully built. Streets very clean well laid out. [[underline]] Residence quarter [[/underline]] and everything compares [[underline]] well with [[/underline]] the [[strikethrough]] very [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] most pleasant California towns [[/underline]] with more luxuriant vegetation thrown in