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own. [[underline]] No handshaking [[/underline]] is done here. merely touch the hands then touch their own chest or [[strikethrough]] kis [[/strikethrough]] ^[[bring]] their own hand to their lips afterwards. In the mean time sets of china plates are put down on the shining cement tiled floor in the large open building fronting the Regency Rice, meat etc. Eating while squartting, using no chopsticks nor forks, only their [[underline]] right [[/underline]] hand. For grabbing the food and carrying it to the mouth. In the meantime native orchestra of xylophone, a set of hanging gongs and a little bamboo flute keeps repeating the same rythmic [[strikethrough]] melodi [[/strikethrough]] time, rather melodious even ^[[in its]] [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] monotony. Huge firecrackers are set off when the Regent reaches his destination and an old brass war cannon is fired and the blast carries off the turban of an old Java
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nese who stood unwittingly in the sector of the wind.
Big silk turbans of many colors [[strikethrough]] big [[/strikethrough]] long [[underline]] silk [[/underline]] robes, most without shoes, other barefooted in their slippers. reminds somewhat the [[underline]] Arabs. [[/underline]] Some of the eaters are gorging themselves at this free lunch. Two old turbaned pompous rogues are carrying of in a handkerchief remainders of the food they cannot eat. Some boys and girls help themselves to what is left and gorge themselves until they cannot close their mouth. Afterwards went to visit the [[underline]] Technishe Hoogeschool started [[/underline]] about [[underline]] 5 years [[/underline]] ago privately now a Government institution The building by its sombre appearance contrasts with all the cheerful white bungalows and other buildings of the neighborhood. It is