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built in the style of [[underline]] native houses of Sumatra [[/underline]] and looks more like a set of sombre barns. Inside it is very comfortable and well lighted and ventilated Stands in an enormous plain surrounded by ^[[queer]] mountains & volcanoes. Beautiful cheerful spot. The director [[underline]] Dr. Clay, a physicist [[/underline]] from Leyden lives near by in a very handsome cheerful white bungalow. His [[underline]] wife is his assistant. His laboratory is well equipped. [[/underline]] He installed everything himself. and has taught [[underline]] glass blowing [[/underline]] to all his pupils who have acquired astonishing proficiency in making their own glass apparatus. Says natives are not well suited nor inclined towards branches as physics or mathematics which require concentration of thought. But they are [[underline]] skilfull with their hands [[/underline]] and make good
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glass blowers. [[strikethrough]] Most [[/strikethrough]] ^[[The best]] of the students are whites who make the majority There is no chemical laboratory beyond testing. The [[underline]] whole aspect reminds very much of California [[/underline]] with a more tropical vegetation At 4:30 AM went to [[underline]] Lembang [[/underline]] An excellent ascending road 11 miles beautiful view on plain surrounded by mountains [[underline]] Sarong [[/underline]] and dresses of natives [[underline]] very bright. Rice terraces [[/underline]] kept under water by simple but careful irrigation - no shortage of water! Arrow-root. Then [[strikethrough]] Chinano [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Cinchona [[/underline]] tree plantation Slight rain. [[underline]] Big banana leaves used instead of an umbrella [[/underline]] by men and women. Very picturesque sight. At [[underline]] Lembang [[/underline]] there are two small but clean hotels also [[underline]] Hotel Pension Samustra Pearant [[/underline]] women wear [[underline]] gold ornaments [[/underline]] as brooches, bracelets