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told this is [[underline]] one of the Sultans household carriages. [[/underline]]
May 6. Visit to [[underline]] Soerakarta (Solo). Left at 7:00AM. stopped at ruin of Prambanan same general type as Borobodoer and Mendoet but more destroyed than either altho [[strikethrough]] one [[strikethrough]] ^[[some]] of the main parts are well kept and have the usual [[underline]] Brahaminic [[/underline]] statues. Otherwise [[underline]] same square stone [[/underline]] blocks same steep steps, same bas-relief ornamentation altho some say it is better executed [[underline]] Wide well shaded [[/underline]] road [[underline]] thru flat country. [[/underline]] Noticed unusually large number of Krissed [[underline]] Javanese [[/underline]] on the road most wearing a [[underline]] Dutch Government kepi [[/underline]] silver or gold laced over their batik turban
[[left margin]] Wearing a Kris [[/left margin]]
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afterward fond they are the [[underline]] guard of honor of the Sushuman of Solo. [[/underline]] who is to visit Djokja. Shortly afterwards we passed several automobiles first containing a [[underline]] fat turkish looking man [[/underline]] with another. I am told he is the [[underline]] Sultan, [[/underline]] followed 3 or four other cars, all the worse for wear containing his ministers, household some [[strikethrough]] women [[/strikethrough]] Javanese women [[underline]] His car is a Fiat. [[/underline]] Someway or another the Fiats are the only cars one sees here [[underline]] outside American [[/underline]] cars. Then went to [[underline]] Palace. [[/underline]] Then went to [[underline]] Palace. [[underline]] Many more [[underline]] kris-bearing [[/underline]] guards etc. Went to [[underline]] Zoo. Orang Utan [[/underline]] Apes etc. Then to [[underline]] market [[/underline]] where bought some more [[underline]] batik. Offered 50% of what they asked and got it immediately [[/underline]]