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to get up several times during night - loose bowels
May 12. Left [[underlined]] Songgorroti [[/underlined]] 730 AM Arrive [[underlined]] Soerabaya [[/underlined]] 1020 AM. Climate gets [[?] after awhile. Roads dustier and nine [[underlined]] congested the nearer Soerabaya. Hotel Orange [[/underlined]]  Upper rooms better than lower. [[underlined]] leis mosquitaes, [[/underlined]] better ventilation and more privacy (all cheaper too) Rom 10 - 13 [[symbol for local currency]]) inclusive Feels very hot and sultry altho' at 11 A. M. thermometer in Mer my room is only [[underlined]] 82 [[degree and farenheit symbols]] Very busy [[/underlined]] place. More active than any other in Java. [[underlined]] Got electric fan. [[/underlined]] Hurrah! Mr. [[underlined]] W. B. ter Braake [[/underlined]] of K. P. M also agent for [[underlined]] official Touring Bureau [[/underlined]] expresses his [[underlined]] disgust [[/underlined]] about [[underlined]] White Star Touring Co [[/underlined]] and arranges for my return trip to [[underlined]] Singapore. [[/underlined]]
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Cooler on evening. Still slight fever and upset stomach. [[underlined]] Met U. S. Consul Rollin R. Winslow, [[/underlined]] a friend of [[underlined]] Dr. Hale [[/underlined]] (Dow's son in law and vice - consul Denemark, a Georgian who met [[underlined]] Max Bock. [[/underlined]] This is a very active town, many pretty stores and residences but flat & hot. My fan blowing all night [[underlined]] thru mosquito [[/underlined]] netting [[underlined]] on my naked body [[/underlined]] Passed good night and next morning feel rested and my temperature is again normal altho temperature of my room is 82 [[degree and farenheit symbols]] at 6 AM.
Hotel well kept, simple but clean rooms, but [[underlined]] many mosquitoes [[/underlined]] and ants that bother you in the evening and in the morning while shaving or bathing.