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18 speaks [[underline]] Dutch [[/underlined]] and a few words of English He is a mixed breed Malay and thinks [[underline]] Makassar [[/underline]] (Celebes) far superior to [[underline]] Bali. [[/underline]] He is quick in action and very obliging and got a lunch ready in short time. Beer obtainable also [[underline]] Whisky [[/underline]] in these [[underline]] rest houses [[/underline]] as well as mineral ^[[mineral]] water. My [[underline]] Balinese saronged barefooted chauffeur [[/underline]] announces self starter of [[underline]] Fiat car is stripped [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] but he will repair it [[/strikethrough]] he is at work under the car repairing it but cannot be ready in time but I should take the car of [[underline]] Heyedecker [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] to [[//strikethrough]] and thus reach the rest house on the mountain [[end page]] [[start page]] 19 where he will follow me in time for my departure tomorrow. While waiting for [[underline]] Heydecker [[/underline]] and his car to arrive I walk to the public market (See photo) more [[underline]] barebreasted [[/underline]] women and half naked men selling and buying everything and anything. Crowded busy place. Then come back to rest-house where a dozen or so of women were offering [[underline]] Krisses, silverware [[/underline]] and Batik and [[srikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] metallic tissue for sale. Bought 2 [[underline]] silver fingerbowls [[/underline]] 12 x 2 = guilders One old [[underline]] Kris [[/underline]] 10 " 2 pieces flimsy light material, one yellow 9 guilders one green. One towel-like looking woven sheet all handmade.