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[[underline]] May 20. [[/underline]] At 6 AM drove with [[underline]] Consul, his wife their child and Denemark [[/underline]] to Giree. (See Guide book) Cool at first then very hot. Old [[underline]] graves of Sultans moslem fashion [[/underline]] much neglected, in ruins, same [[underline]] sloppy careless way as Arabs. [[/underline]] Then the Grave of the Moslem who inplanted first Moslem faith in Java. A [[underline]] very holy place. [[/underline]] All squalid. Many [[underline]] Hadji with white fezzes, who have been to Mecca,  around and beggars. [[/underline]] They throw flowers packed in folded [[underline]] bananaleaves in our car and we are supposed to [[/underline]]
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deposit them [[underline]] on the graves [[/underline]] and afterwards pay them backseesh. All very sordid and [[strikethrough]] uninter [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] squalid and uninteresting, [[/underline]] same as all their pilgrimage places, [[underline]] exploited by their priests or holy men or other [[beggars. [[/underline]] Visited an old cave or grotto described first by [[strikethrough]] Governor [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Raffles when he was Governor of this Island [[/underline]] under English Rule and where swallows or similar birds build their nests which are used for [[underline]] Bird nests soup. [[/underline]] Am told they are sold in [[underline]] Soerabaya for ƒ40 [[/underline]] a small basket full to [[underline]] wealthy Chinese. [[/underline]] Am told also that some [[underline]] houses are left purposely empty [[/underline]] because swallows