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66 of the street and reluctantly [[strikethrough]] crawl s [[/strikethrough]] crawl away a few feet when an auto advances. Little [[underline]] buffalo carts [[/underline]] with whole family crowded inside the cover, the 2 Buffalos moving on slowly. Near [[underline]] Kandy, [[/underline]] road ascends mountainous landscape. [[left margin]] Elephants. [[/left margin]] [[underline]] Elephants [[/underline]] and their drivers (See photo) [[underline]] Sacred elephants [[/underline]] bathing. [[underline]] Working elephants ^[[seem]] [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] decidedly [[/underline]] larger than those of [[underline]] Cambodge [[/underline]] or [[underline]] Siam. [[/underline]] Motor busses (Ford or Heavy U.S. busses) between [[underline]] Kandy, Colombo [[/underline]] and various places. A large Estate along the road planted with huge [[underline]] Coconut palms [[/underline]] has a collection of native animals [[end page]] [[start page]] 67 caged and placed among the trees. Natives stop to look at the animals. No entrance fee. [[underline]] Leopard, [[/underline]] several varieties of [[underline]] apes, [[/underline]] and birds, a little [[underline]] black bear [[/underline]] with white crescent on chest, similar to the ones I saw at Saigon. Two enormous [[underline]] reptiles, [[/underline]] and one [[underline]] anaconda. [[/underline]] (See photo) Botanical Garden near Kandy arranged in a beautiful park. thru which motor cars are allowed to drive. Very [[underline]] tasteful [[/underline]] arrangement [[underline]] of trees. [[/underline]] Perhaps not as large a collection as [[underline]] Buitenzorg but more impressive and enjoyable [[/underline]] for the casual visitor as it forms a [[underline]] more beautiful park effect. [[/underline]] While sitting on a bench below